initial public offerings (IPOs) trading on American exchanges

Monday, December 23, 2019

IPOs this week : Dec 23 - 27, 19

No new U.S. pricings are expected in the week ahead.

IPO lockup expirations

  • IPO lockups expire on Cambium Networks (NASDAQ:CMBM) on December 23; 
  • Change Healthcare (NASDAQ:CHNG), Bridgebio Pharma (NASDAQ:BBIO), Adaptive Biotechnologies (NASDAQ:ADPT), Morphic Holding (NASDAQ:MORF) on December 24 and 
  • The RealReal (NASDAQ:REAL) and Karuna Therapeutics (NASDAQ:KRTX) on December 26. 

Keep an eye on Bridgebio Pharma (+115% from IPO) and Karuna Therapeutics (+360%) in particular. Meanwhile, RealReal could ride out the lockup expiration in fine fashion with analysts still very bullish.

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